A NSW Government website

Document and share your project

Documenting and sharing the outcomes of your Quality Improvement (QI) project is important, not only for personal and team recognition but also for contributing to the broader field of healthcare improvement.

This page guides you on what to document, the importance of thorough documentation, and various ways to share your projects.

What to document

Every QI project should be thoroughly documented to capture:


Project objectives and scope


Process and methodology


Data collected and analysis methods


Results and impact


Lessons learned and potential improvements

Importance of documenting

Documenting your project helps to track the process and impact of the project, provide a blueprint for future projects, and ensure accountability and transparency.

Ways to share you project

Your QI project can be shared through various platforms and formats to reach a wide audience:

PresentationsAt team meetings, department updates, or hospital-wide gatherings.
ConferencesPresent findings at local, national, or international healthcare conferences.
AbstractsSubmit abstracts summarising your project to relevant conferences and journals.
Full journal publicationWrite detailed articles for peer-reviewed journals in your field.
ACI Innovation ExchangeShare your innovations on platforms designed to disseminate QI projects across healthcare professionals.
HNELHD Excellence AwardsSubmit your work for district-wide recognition.

Mandatory project reporting

Before pursuing publication or presenting externally, it is mandatory to submit your project details and final report through the HNEkids QI Project Portal. This ensures the organisation is informed about the QI activities being undertaken and does not constitute as a publication.

Confidentiality assurance

The information submitted through the portal is accessed only by the HNEkids Quality Manager and senior executive and leadership roles. Only the project title, main point of contact, and contact information are shared organisation-wide unless additional permissions are obtained from the team leader.

Approval process for publishing and presenting

Any intent to publish or present the project externally requires approval from your Line Manager and potentially other senior managers.

Follow the publication approval process detailed on the Support your team page to ensure compliance with organisational guidelines and to enhance the quality of the public dissemination.

Project reporting template

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Use this project reporting template to standardise documentation and ensure all relevant aspects of your QI project are captured. This template simplifies the reporting process and ensures consistency across all projects.

Submitting your project

Submitting your project through the designated portal link is essential for maintaining an organised record of QI activities within HNEkids. It facilitates oversight and supports the strategic alignment of QI initiatives with organisational goals.